Team Coaching Labs - Collaboration & Cohesion

Our Team Coaching for collaboration and cohesion creates a culture of trust and openness by teaching team members how to actively listen to one another


When teams are not communicating as effectively as they should people might be working in silos. This common problem can sometimes be compacted by hybrid ways of working and globally dispersed teams.

This team coaching for collaboration and cohesion programme focuses on creating a culture of trust and openness and improving communication skills. It involves teaching team members how to actively listen to one another, how to express their ideas clearly and succinctly, and how to provide feedback in a constructive, empathetic and helpful way. It also involves helping teams understand the importance of non-verbal communication, such as body language, tone of voice and digital nuance – skills that need nurturing in this virtual world.


Better communication leads to better collaboration – the backbone of teamwork. Through creating a culture of trust and openness and improving communication skills in all formats and contexts, teams can work together harmoniously to achieve their collective goals.


This programme consists of three-five group/team sessions.

Sessions can be conducted in a group setting virtually as well as face to face.




Don’t think this is for you? Here are some alternatives that might work better for you:


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