Team Coaching Labs - Evolution & Transition
Supporting teams through change and transition so they have the resources and encouragement needed to navigate uncertainty with confidence and a collaborative approach

When teams are challenged by a period of transition, whether stemming from new team members joining the team, others retiring or leaving or larger organisational restructuring, the process can be disruptive. The team coaching labs – evolution and transition programme aims to provide a fresh, collective awareness of their mission and strategy, clarity around each member’s role, and ensure the transition happens in a positive way.
Through group sessions, we work together with organisational goals, redefining structures, and navigating issues that may emerge from external circumstances. Overall we aim to encourage a mindset that views change as not only good but essential in today’s business environment, full of opportunities.
By building resilience and capacity for change, this programme helps to create a more agile and responsive team who are better equipped to successfully navigate through periods of transformation and transition.
This programme consists of three-five group/team sessions.
Sessions can be conducted in a group setting virtually as well as face to face.
Don’t think this is for you? Here are some alternatives that might work better for you: