In a multicultural environment, building positive inter-team dynamics
out of tension, conflict and dissatisfaction.


A global fashion brand has a CSR foundation with big ambitions for industry change and social justice. Their grants fund partners to work collaboratively on initiatives. Due to cultural and geographical differences, the team in charge of securing grants approval was not hitting targets. In addition, team members presumed they had to spend a lot of time justifying and defending their views.


In this case, the approach used for Team Coaching was pragmatic and related to the current work context. The process started with a Team Needs Assessment through an online questionnaire to better understand the issues they wanted to work on; critical team dynamics, expectations and needs to create emotional safe havens and a conducive environment as well as what accessibility requirements they had. Transformation happened through virtual Team Coaching Sessions. These provided all members with the opportunity to work on everyday challenges and find new possibilities using relationship dynamics, shared experiences, and interpersonal awareness in ways to support team goals. Sessions included strategic mapping to analyse the best approach to influence grant approvals, including ensuring that they have specific and sufficient data to back up ideas and understanding of team emotional triggers present during the governance meetings.


Guided by the coach, the team members were able to identify strategies and plans of action to counterbalance the impact of several factors including geographical and social distance that were creating misleading perceptions and lack of understanding of stakeholders needs. Communication between team members became calm and engaging, and concrete actions were identified to sustain this state of well being. As a result, grant approval rate increased from 50% to 100%, setting a new record.


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